Monday, April 9, 2012


The past week has been one big ball of excitement!  Last Wednesday, I received a call from the adoption agency to tell me that I had been chosen by a birth mom (B - her first initial).  Over the next few days, I got some more info about this brave young woman.  We got to meet today and have lunch...she is amazing!  B is a strong and intelligent young woman who wants her child to have everything needed for life.  I admire her courage!!!

So, without further ado and because I think someone will yell at me if I drag this out too much's a girl!  Yes, I have a name picked out.  No, I'm not sharing.  The baby is due on June 30th, which also happens to be my mom's birthday!  Delivery will be local and B expressed today that she would like me to be in the delivery room for the birth of this precious little girl.  I'm honored!

I know that B could change her mind about the adoption and choose to parent this baby.  If that happens, I will be devastated.  BUT, I trust that God will continue to work through this journey and He knows who I'm supposed to raise.  If that's not this little girl, I know He has another precious baby for me.  Trust is hard but worth it!!!!

So, how can you help?  
  1. Please continue to pray for B and this little girl.  Her face lit up when I told her that a lot of people have been praying for her before we even knew her!
  2. Please also pray for wisdom for me as I prepare mentally for this baby
  3. Keep an eye out for another blog post with details on something I'm making (and selling) to gather funds for this adoption
Thank you thank you thank you for all of the love, prayers, support and encouragement!!!!  This baby is blessed to be welcomed into such an amazing community!!!


  1. Yay! And this baby is blessed to be the daughter of such a wonderful mommy! I am so grateful for what God has done in your life, Jen! You are challenging me so much through your faith, and I am so excited to follow on your journey. Praise God!

  2. Jen I am sooo happy for you. It brings tears to my eyes. We pray for God's very best for you because you deserve. I love you! Marcia

  3. Carrie Poisel BarronApril 9, 2012 at 5:37 PM

    This is so awesome!!!

  4. We are so excited for you. This baby is one lucky little girl I will continue to pray for you, B, and this precious baby. I look forward to reading more soon.

  5. So excited for you! I thought it would be a girl - not sure why!! Will be praying for B and precious baby girl :)

  6. I'm so happy for you! I was thinking about you the other day! How have you been doing?
    Remember if you ever need a nanny I'm available! lol!

  7. Wow! Most parents have 9 months to prepare for a baby. You only have less than 3 months! Put it into gear no less. I have some jewelry you may be able to sell for funds? Interested, Aunt Cindy
